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We are proud of our college, students and teachers are confident that our dedication to academic excellence will be the corner stone of your future success.


Professional Tuition is vital for academic success 

We specialize in delivering well-structured programs to assist our students reach their full potential.


Proven outstanding performance every year

We’ve been able to consolidate our position as a first-rate coaching college in Australia by achieving impressive results in OC, selective high school placement and the HSC exam.

Online video lessons at Cyberschool 

Our special e-learning website Cyberschool provides online video lessons to all our WEMG students enabling their entire class work revision.

Enrollment link for new student

payment via bank transfer

If you're first time to Pre-Uni, then please click the link and follow the instruction

If you want to pay via bank transfer, then please refer to the form

WELCOME TO Epping Pre-Uni New College!

Information about what you need to bring to the class and about registration onto cyberschool

What to bring to the College &

Register to

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